It’s here! My very own shiny website!

I’m hoping the website will help me reach more people, especially for those who don’t have access to social media, to see what I can offer for your dog.

I also plan to post some helpful tips, advice and videos to help with grooming/brushing your dog at home.

Alongside this, I plan to share some of the products that are to die for!

It’s certainly been a busy week for me – not content with stopping the momentum though! I’ve already started to plan the next goal, to open up a doggy day care with spa on the same premises – alongside the mobile van of course.

That’s all for now – I hope you guys like the new website and come back to see the upcoming blog posts to come! 🙂

~ Leanne

As some of you may already know, I decided to get the van to offer a service which provides the dogs with a one on one grooming experience within a relaxed environment with my undivided attention.

It benefits those dogs who are nervous, uneasy of traveling and also, no cages, whilst also benefiting the customer as you can carry on with your day at home or at your workplace without traveling to and from the spa.

I was luckily enough to have a help from a family friend with also the help from my family who converted the back for me.

It wouldn’t have been possible without a childhood friend who owns his own company called Shades Wraps done – they did an amazing job with the branding for me on the outside of the van.

So a massive thank you for everyone involved in making this happen!

~ Leanne