A day with Colin Taylor
Have you ever listened to someone trying to explain to you how to groom a certain part of your dog and thought to yourself, what the hell are they talking about?
Well, chances are they’ve gone round the houses a bit and it could have actually been explained a lot easier.
That’s what I want you to do, I want you to leave my seminar saying I get it, I finally get it and I can’t wait to get back to work and put what I’ve learnt to the test.
This is what excites me as a teacher. I don’t want to make it sound difficult when it doesn’t have to be.
So join me for a day of training, but one that is fun and easy to understand.
Remember we all started out in grooming not really knowing what we were doing, we were all in the same boat at one time in our lives so dont think you are alone.
This seminar includes 2 grooming demonstrations with a schnauzer and a cavapoo/cockapoo and lots of giggles.
Lunch is included